Slumeritary: Pertaining to one who demonstrates clever money-earning strategies.

slu, Low German slu “cunning, sly” ; merit Latin meritare “to earn, yield,” ary, ary adjective and noun suffix from Latin -arius-aria-arium “connected with, pertaining to; the man engaged in”

You may have noticed something new on my blog.

You guessed it: Ads. This is something new I’m trying, and I won’t blame you for finding my anti-purist viewpoints morally reprehensible. I have felt that way in the past and it hasn’t paid any of my bills.  So for those of you who would criticize me for ruining the artistic integrity of my blog for the sake of a few bucks, well, sorry. But for those of you who take no objection to my slumeritary tactics, click and surf away!